Why Breathwork?
Breathwork provides immediate relief from stress and anxiety, leaving you with a deep sense of calm and mental clarity. This life-changing practice allows you remain grounded despite the ups and downs of daily life. After one breathwork session, you will feel a noticeable shift in your energy, sleep quality, and anxiety level.
what is Breathwork?
Breathwork is using our breath with intention. It is an umbrella term that refers to a variety of breathing patterns each having unique emotional, mental, and physical benefits. The ancient yogic term, “Pranayama,” means control of the breath.
Breathwork Benefits
Relieves stress and anxiety
Promotes a better night`s sleep
Grounds the nervous system
Heals past trauma
Releases toxins
Sparks creativity
Provides mental clarity
Creates a feeling of overwhelming joy
Interrupts negative thought patterns
Increases the pH of your blood
Connects you to your intuition
Releases negative emotions
Clears energetic blocks